My People…

Everyone has them. Those people who make up their little black book of recommendations that treat everything from aching muscles to perfect brows to ‘serious life-changing stuff’.

Here are mine. My people. Feel free to call them anytime for yourself.



The Brow Guru: Lien Davies

It wasn’t until I met Lien that I really understood the power of good eye brows. I’d had them waxed and plucked, but never professionally shaped, and to me they seemed like an after-thought to my makeup or hair or skin. Not so, I quickly discovered. Brows are the ultimate game-changers when it comes to framing your features and looking just that little bit more groomed, but above all, I found that having perfect brows gave me more confidence than ever. After almost 10 years together, Lien is my go-to for everything from life advice to chai tea (she makes a mean one), proving that beauty isn’t just skin deep after all.

The ‘Absolutely Anything’ Healer: Rick Schlederer at Universal Health

Where do I start with Rick? He’s the man who fixes anything. From anxiety to fatigue to skin conditions to all the emotional shit you lug around with you for what seems like eternity, he’ll fix it. With his countless tools and techniques for ‘shit shifting’ like NET (Neuro-Emotional Technique) to acupuncture, kinesiology and everything in between, no issue is too small (or too big) for Rick. See him!

The Chiro: Dr Andrew Stevenson at The Chiropractor at North Sydney

Once terrified by the idea of someone cracking my joints and shifting my bones, I shied away from chiropractic care. Until I met Andrew, whose gentle techniques nursed me through my pregnancy and beyond, leaving my aches and pains in its wake.

The Massage Man: Glenn Walsmley

Glenn’s Sydney-based practice is so busy he commutes from his new home of Byron Bay once a month or so to ensure his clients are attended to. His specialty? Myotherapy massage, an intensely deep therapy that relieves on-going muscular injuries after just one treatment. After I gave birth to Arlo my left hip completely seized up, leaving me in agony and unable to walk without shooting pain. Glenn was my go-to guy, and after a few seriously painful sessions, my hip was completely healed. Thanks, Glenn!

The Unofficial Baby-Maker: Gavin Hodges

I don’t want to go around making outrageous claims, but I give Gavin a good dose of credit for getting me pregnant. You see, Alex and I had just started trying so I thought I’d treat myself to a Ka Huna Massage (Gavin’s specialty) to open my energy fields and release any negative stuff that could inhibit my baby making skills. It worked! I left my treatment feeling open and goddess-y and ready to receive, making a baby that very same day.

The Body Blitzer: Steph O’Brien at Vision PT Randwick

When it comes to personal trainers, Steph is right up there with the best. She’s knowledgable and fierce without being scary and before you know it your body is strong and lean and buff and getting you sideways glances on the street. I even have back muscles now, and can blitz Saturday morning run club without coughing up a lung. If you want serious training that’s guided by an expert, Steph is your gal.

The Toning Queen: Emma Seibold at Barre Body 

Em and I have been friends for years, even working together to create BodyLove Bootcamp, so it’s little wonder I’m a huge fan of Barre Body. With a clever fusion of yoga, barre and pilates, Barre Body tones those tiny little muscles your often forget about, giving you long, lean limbs that look pretty good in denim cut-offs. Expect your muscles to burn the next day, this workout isn’t for the fainthearted (or lazy).

The Yogi: Nadia Rihani at Yoga Village

When I was pregnant with Arlo I was doing yoga 4 times a week. Yoga Village became my second home, allowing me to tap into my inner yogi and create a safe, calm and peaceful belly for my baby to grow in. While the studio offers prenatal yoga, their specialty is vinyasa flow and ashtanga, which Nadia is an absolute guru at. But the thing I love most about Nadia and her sacred school, is that it teaches you yoga, rather than just show you yoga moves. It’s personal and true to the yogic practice, leaving you with a heart full of joy and head full of calm whenever you walk in (and out) the front door.

Tell me Happies…

Who are your people?
Have you been to any of mine?


Stay Happy,

Yaz x

What’s the Deal with Superfoods Anyway?

Are superfoods really all that super?

That’s the question I just keep asking myself, because in my opinion, all food is super, so long as it’s fresh and real and from a farm rather than a factory.

So is it just catchy marketing luring shoppers into yet another purchase, or do certain foods contain a higher nutrient density than their peers? Like kale, or acai, or cacao.

Turns out, there are some standouts in the crowd. A study by the CDC took an objective look at 47 different foods and measured their nutrient values. If they contained at least 10% of your total recommended daily value of 17 essential nutrients per 100 calories, then they were considered super.

Here’s what came out on top…

Watercress: 100.00
Chinese cabbage: 91.99
Chard: 89.27
Beet greens: 87.08
Spinach: 86.43
Chicory: 73.36
Leaf lettuce: 70.73
Parsley: 65.59
Romaine lettuce: 63.48
Collard greens: 62.49

Bottom line: GREENS. When it comes to getting your daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals, you really can’t go past greens (meanwhile, where’s kale on that list?) but there are other foods, not on this list, that also boast other benefits, like high antioxidant values or immune boosting capabilities.

Which is partly why the superfood list keeps growing; there are so many different things to measure that it just depends what you’re looking for in order for a certain food to be deemed ‘super’. The key? Variety. Eating as many different fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and even grains will give your diet the greatest cross-section of vitamins and minerals. No one food has it all, but all foods have a little something, ergo, the more variety you have, the more you benefit.

Here, my favourite ‘super’ foods…

1. Cacao – life without chocolate is vanilla, but rather than gorge on the heavily processed, sugar-laden stuff I choose raw cacao instead. It’s packed with flavonoids, which act as natural antioxidants to protect against ageing free radicals, plus it tastes bitterly delicious. Add it to your morning smoothie for a chocolate thick-shake that’s totally guilt free or use it in raw sweet treats for an energy boost throughout the day.

2. Cress – we know greens are good, and cress is considered the most nutritious of them all. Despite the painstaking removal of leaves from stem, the hard work is paid in full when you think about all the goodness you’re giving your body. Add it to salads, sandwiches or even green smoothies.

3. Kefir – cultured, fermented foods are my ultimate ‘super’ food as they flood the gut with immune-boosting good bacteria. My daily hit of coconut kefir keeps germs at bay, while also giving me energy and vitality long term.

4. Turmeric – inflammation in the body is the root cause of many dietary (and skin) issues, so reduction is key. Of all the spices we use to cook with, turmeric and its active ingredient – curcumin – is probably the most beneficial, with studies showing it has the potential to ward off dementia and cancer, fight cold and flu, reduce risk of heart attack and stroke and even help with weight loss.

5. Berries – it’s the high antioxidant value of berries that make them a must-have addition to your diet. But don’t play favourites based on good marketing, play the field and enjoy the health benefits of blueberries, açai, raspberries, mulberries, blackberries, goji berries… you get the gist.

6. Spirulina – As I don’t eat much meat, spirulina is my protein go-to as it contains all 8 essential amino acids and 10 non-essential ones. It’s also high in iron, vitamin B12 and chlorophyll, and is the perfect addition to my morning muesli or smoothie.

Wondering how to get more in your diet? Try these picks…

IsoWhey Superfood Powders (shown here: Organic Sacha Inchi, Turmeric and Gubinge)


Or, for the non-cooks in the house: Bioglan Superfood Tablets and Capsules range, $29.95 each (for 100)


Tell me Happies…

Do you eat superfoods?
Which ones are on high rotation for you?

Cheat’s Poached Coconut Chicken Curry

One pan. Twelve ingredients. Thirty minutes. How hard could this be?

As it turns out, Happies, it’s not hard at all. This cheat’s coconut curry scored me serious brownie points with the hubby and is great for those nights when you feel like something fancy, but just can’t be bothered slapping away in the kitchen for hours.

Here’s what I’m talking about…


And here’s what you need…

1 whole clove
2 garlic cloves
1 small can coconut milk (I like the Ayam one as it doesn’t have any preservatives)
1 teaspoon ginger powder
1 teaspoon of coriander powder
2 kaffir lime leaves
2 organic chicken breasts
1 head of broccoli
1 fresh chilli (optional)
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1 cucumber
1 bunch fresh coriander

And here’s how you do it…

1. Place the clove, garlic, coconut milk, ginger and coriander powder, and chilli in a blender and whiz until smooth and well combined.

2. Pour sauce into a deep-based fry pan with chicken breast and bring to a slow boil on a low heat. Pop lid on and simmer for around 15 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through*.

3. Remove chicken from pan and allow to rest, but continue to cook sauce with the lid off, allowing it to reduce. After about 5 minutes, throw in broccoli, fish sauce and fresh coriander.

4. Once cooked, place broccoli on the plate with chicken on top, drizzle with coconut sauce and serve with cucumber, fresh chilli and coriander as a garnish.

*I slice a small incision down the fatter side of my chicken breast so it cooks more evenly.



Yaz x

My Most Asked Question Ever, Answered!

This is a long one, Happies, so strap in. For today I’m talking about food. And more specifically what I feed my toddler, whose health I hold very seriously in the palm of my hand. Because of all the health and beauty questions I ever get asked, the most popular one is around what I feed my little man. So here goes…


Here he is, foraging for mulberries 

I’m not saying I have all the answers, but I do know a thing or two about nutrition. Or at least how to fuel my body with whole foods that sustain true health and ultimately happiness, so it’s little wonder that I practice what I preach with my little man too. Since we first started introducing food into his diet, we’ve made a conscious decision to feed him as many nutrients as possible. His diet is varied, very tasty and always filled with vegetables, with our primary goal being to establish a strong food foundation that’s all about involvement, understanding, and of course, healthy choices. Our founding principles are this… – Eat whole foods in their natural state with minimal (if any) processing. This does mean we make everything from scratch, which I understand can be hard for some people, but we feel it’s a top priority for our family so always make time to cook batches of food in advance. Basically, we want every meal he has to be of value rather than empty calories, so whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables and good quality proteins are always included. A time saving way we do it is to cook our whole grains (brown rice, quinoa or buckwheat pasta etc ) in advance so it’s ready to go in the fridge. – Educate him on where food comes from, what it’s called and how to cook it. We go foraging, take him to the farmer’s market or grocery shopping, cook with him watching on in his high chair and explain what we’re doing. We also eat almost every meal together (unless he’s asleep) and share off each other’s plates, so he can see that mum and dad eat the same as he does and understand that food doesn’t come from a factory, it comes from a farm. – Vary his nutrients as much as possible. We never assume Arlo won’t like something, even if it’s  considered ‘adult’ food. He eats raw onion, garlic, olives, mushrooms, grapefruit, lemon and even small amounts of chilli. He’s not afraid to try new things because we’re always introducing them to him, but even more importantly, he’s getting a diverse cross-section of nutrients because he’s not eating the same thing all the time. – Fat and flavour are paramount. Think about it, would you eat overcooked steamed vegetables without any flavour? My guess is no. So why would your kids? We cook Arlo’s meals with lots of coconut oil (you could use unsalted butter or ghee as well if you like), we drizzle cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil over the top and we add a few drops of tamari or lots of fresh and dried herbs. His meals are PACKED with flavour, they taste delicious and he gobbles them down. – Vary his tastes. Children and naturally drawn to sweet and salty foods, so we give Arlo bitter and sour foods as well to counteract this. Grapefruits, rocket, kale, watercress, sesame seeds and tahini, and turmeric are all on high rotation so that he doesn’t develop a strong flavour preference towards sweet or salty. – Reduce sugar but don’t freak out. We know refined sugar is bad and that a vast proportion of children eat way (way, way, way!) too much sugar, but for us, it’s also important not to become too strict, as demonising something can often make it more attractive. So here’s our stance… Alex and I don’t eat refined sugar at home, so there’s nothing in the house that Arlo would have anyway. For example, we don’t drink juice, so he doesn’t just because it’s not around. We do eat fresh fruit and add prunes to his muesli, so natural sugars are there, in moderation, for the taking. But if a friend offers him a cookie or he has a bite of an ice cream with Grandma we let it go. Kids are kids and as long as the pendulum swings in the positive direction, small amounts of sugar, in our opinion, aren’t the end of the world. – Food is medicine. Probiotics in the form of fermented foods like coconut kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut and apple cider vinegar are a big deal in my kitchen. I’m obsessed with them. Probiotics help flood the gut with good bacteria, helping to boost your immune system and fight off bugs. Rather than worry about germs, I worry about whether Arlo’s had his coconut kefir that day. The slightest hint of a runny nose or cough is always neutralised with kefir, as well as homemade chicken and vegetable soup, bone broths and green smoothies. Of course I take him to the doctor if he’s unwell, but to be honest, he’s always pretty on point.


This is the one I buy from the Pott’s Point Farmer’s Market

– Keep calm, consistent and fun. I truly believe kids pick up on your energy. When you’re stressed, they’re stressed. When you’re worried, they’re worried. Try to make meal times fun and enjoyable, yet calm. And be consistent with times and routines if that works for you. I find the best way to eliminate stress around meal times is to be as prepared as possible. I have all of Arlo’s meals ready to go well before he needs them, to reduce that last minute starving panic kids tend to get in. Yes, the wheels sometimes fall off, but that’s okay. Take a breath, relax, and stay calm and consistent – your child will ride out the moment, I’m sure of it. – Reduce snacking. When it comes to snacking each child is individual. Some kids prefer to eat smaller amount more regularly, while others tend to have food put in front of them when they don’t really need it, making them more fussy as they’re not excited about their next meal. We keep snacks to a minimum, instead opting for two breakfasts, one lunch and one dinner. This way, he’s always ready for a meal when it’s presented to him and eats whatever we put down because he’s excited and hungry. That could all change tomorrow, of course, but we’ll deal with that when and if it comes. – Manage dairy consumption. Again every child takes to dairy differently but since I recently stopped breastfeeding I’ve found that he doesn’t really want that much milk. Because he’s eating so much and drinking plenty of water, the desire for milk isn’t there for him. But we do give him the occasional bottle before bed if he’s having a really hungry day and we vary his milks so it’s not always cow’s. Organic, non-homogenised, full fat cow’s milk, as well as goat’s milk, homemade almond milk, rice milk and oat milk are all on high rotation. He’s not a huge fan of yoghurt as he loves his coconut kefir, which is a yoghurt consistency, but he does enjoy cheese a few times a week. Just watch how your child responds to diary and always make sure it’s organic, full fat and preferably un-homogenised. A word on calcium. Obviously calcium is needed for growing healthy bones but it’s important to note dairy isn’t the only source of calcium. Collard greens, broccoli and spinach are all high in calcium, as well as sardines, mackerel and salmon (canned with bones), dried figs, blackstrap molasses and sesame seeds. Soaking your legumes, grains, seeds and nuts is essential though, as they contain phytic acid which can inhibit the absorption of calcium.  So with all that in mind, here’s a sample menu of a day in the life of our little man… 1. Breakfast – water and seasonal fruit followed by homemade muesli that’s been pre-soaked when dad wakes up (he’s always first up in our house). It contains: rolled oats (or whole oat groats if you can get them and cook them or sprout them), rolled barley, spirulina, coconut flakes, coconut kefir, chia seeds, soaked prunes (and a bit of the water the prunes are soaked in), crushed nut and seed mix with walnuts, sprouted almonds, sesame seeds, pepitas and sunflower seeds and almond milk. He has this most days but if not muesli, he’ll share our green smoothie, which contains almond milk, coconut flesh and water, seasonal greens (kale, cucumber, spinach), frozen banana, kefir, mint…whatever is in the fridge, really.


Here’s his morning muesli in his favourite coconut bowl

To save time we have a big container of oats and barley pre-prepared, a big jar of prunes in the fridge soaking and all the nuts and seeds pre-crushed and kept in the freezer. So all we have to do in the morning is pop everything in a bowl, rather than do each step everyday. Why it’s good: rich in complex carbohydrates, whole grains, nuts and seeds, probiotics and protein from your spirulina this is a seriously nutritious start to the day for a growing person. You’re getting essential fatty acids, fibre, protein, good bacteria and a mountain of other vitamins and minerals to ensure a happy, healthy belly that’s full for hours. 2. Breakfast #2 – before he goes down around 11am we give him the rest of his muesli (we make a big bowl) or perhaps some of our smoothie or just a little something before bed. 3. Lunch – again, he has pretty much what we’re having, which often involves lots of vegetables, some form of protein (often vegetable protein) and a grain. Some ideas include lentil dahl with brown rice, wild caught fish cooked in coconut oil with stir fried green beans and quinoa or buckwheat pasta spirals with pastured organic egg, kale, peas and cheese. The options are endless, all we aim to do is add the pre-cooked grain or sweet potato in the fridge to a pan of coconut oil with vegetables and protein. That’s it! If you’re looking for a vegetarian option remember that pulses (beans) or lentils +  grain = perfect protein. 4. Dinner – Dinner is very similar to lunch but we do vary his nutrients as much as possible once again. So if he had egg for lunch, we won’t give him egg again, instead we’d give him a vegetarian option, organic chicken, or grass-fed beef. Spaghetti Bolognese is a huge favourite of his. We make our own tomato sauce (a massive pot) and then add our organic grass-fed mince, grated carrot, onion, spinach, garlic, parsley, and mushrooms, so there’s lots of vegetables in there. We make a HUGE pot and freeze portions so he’s not having too much of the same thing in one week. Other super quick and easy favourites are a brown rice and egg ‘pancake’, where you just crack an egg over brown rice and pop it in the microwave (we use it occasionally for convenience) for 2 minutes and it goes sticky like a Japanese pancake. We then add peas and all types of vegetables and drizzle tamari and cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil all over it and he LOVES it. 5. Snacks and treats – When you’re out for the day and just want to pack a few things in your bag I highly recommend one of the best snack options ever – chickpeas or kidney beans drizzled with tamari and extra virgin. It’s the EASIEST snack ever and I’ve never met a child who doesn’t like it. It’s healthier than packaged, processed snacks, easier, cheaper and probably neater too. I also make batches of bliss balls with almond meal, raw cacao, coconut, dates and nuts and seeds. And for sweet treats in summer I make ice creams with coconut cream, raspberries, kaffir lime and banana. Or other ice cream varieties depending on what I have in the fridge and freezer. The shopping list basics… – coconut kefir – I buy mine from the Pott’s Point Market, they also sell at the French’s Forest Farmer’s Market and some selected health food stores around Sydney. See picture reference above – Mayver’s spreads – peanut and coconut and cacao and coconut are my favourites – Organic Tamari – I buy Pure Harvest – Selection of raw nuts and seeds – Red split peas, green lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans – Quinoa, buckwheat pasta spirals, wholemeal noodles, brown rice – Rolled oats or whole oat groats, barley flakes – Organic, pasture raised eggs – Organic chicken – Grass fed beef – Almond milk – home-made, as well as a selection of long-life milks (oat, rice, almond, coconut) for convenience – Prunes – Fresh coconuts – great for drinking and using the flesh in smoothies – Fresh and frozen berries – depends on season – Seasonal fruit and vegetables – Coconut oil, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil (for drizzling) – Spices and fresh herbs Final word? If all this sounds way too full on and totally overwhelming, don’t let it. Remember this is a culmination of years of eating this way and an extension of our lifestyle. Perhaps your food philosophy is totally different to ours or your lifestyle isn’t able to take on such a hands on approach. The key is, if you want to, take small steps and over time, the whole family will benefit. Stay Happy, Yaz x

Who Am I Again?

It feels so good to be back.

Back in touch with me. The real me. The one who understands the importance of a mind/body connection and breathes and sits and feels stillness, because I’ll be honest, having a child is the fastest way to eliminate stillness. Not in a negative way, but stillness isn’t really a part of the program those first 12 months. Or ever, really.


So I’ve made a conscious decision to bring it back into my life. To prioritise small moments of calm to come back to myself and feel grounded, everyday, in order to be a better mother; a better wife; a better friend; and perhaps most important of all, a better me.

It all started at Billabong Retreat. An amazing eco resort 50 minutes drive from Sydney that specialises in reconnecting your head and your heart. It’s a yoga and meditation retreat essentially, but the way this place instantly calms you, settles you, invites you to unravel and relax and let everything go is unique to any other retreat I’ve been to.

It’s so…still.

My sister and I treated ourselves to a 3-day retreat, leaving our kids in the very capable hands of our husbands as we zipped up the highway, along Old Windsor Rd. and down into the bush covered timber oasis of Billabong. We could hardly believe it was true – three entire days of nothing but time to relax, unwind, rebuild and rest – but as soon as we got there, we immersed ourselves in getting that sacred connection back.

It’s yoga and meditation that does it. Allowing yourself the freedom to sit (or move) in silence and breathe. That’s really all it takes. Breathing. Tuning in. Connecting.

So we did just that. Yoga classes, meditation of all varieties, reading and eating the most glorious organic vegetarian food I’ve had in some time. We sipped tea, we talked about all the things that really matter and we found that caring for ourselves is just as important as caring for our loved ones.

Here’s what I’m doing going forward…

1. A daily yoga practice

Billabong understands that the mere nature of a retreat means that you unwind while you’re there, but what happens when you get home? Often those zen feelings are lost within days, taking you back to where you started. So they’ve developed a yoga practice that you can do at-home in as little as 7.5 minutes, teaching you the sequence before sending you off back into the ‘real world’. For me, this is what wellness is all about. Doing what you can – even if it’s only small increments everyday – rather than nothing at all. So a daily yoga practice of at least 7.5 minutes has become part of my morning ritual.

2. Breathing

It sounds so simple to just breath, but the reality is most of us are doing it all wrong. If you’re unconsciously breathing shallow breaths, or letting your day go without stopping to just breath, think about taking a few moments to just reconnect, calm down and centre. The best time? When your stress levels are peaking.

3. Meditating

That magical 7.5 minute yoga sequence also happens to include a chant and time to meditate. It’s  incredible. I think of all the ways to feel grounded meditation is the most effective and by taking a few moments to sit in stillness, you’re allowing yourself the space you need to truly find your Zen.

Tell me Happies…

Have you lost your mind/body connection?

Do you need to do a retreat to re-find yourself again?